Once you’ve created a survey, on your survey project page, turn on the “In-store widget” switch
Enable Gojiberry in your App Embeds
If you haven’t done so already, go to your Shopify Theme Settings, and open the “App Embeds” panel. Enable “Gojiberry” in your App Embeds.
Last but not least, don't forget to save your Shopify Theme Settings.
There are various display settings in order to display your survey in the right context to get better insights.
Display condition
decides how often this widget gets displayed
Once per session, never again if completed (Default)
more options coming soon
User targeting
decides who sees the survey
Unchecked store language filter: Show to all users (Default)
Checked store language filter: The widget will be/will not be displayed for users with a specific browser language.
more options coming soon
decides when the widget will be displayed
X seconds after page load (10 second by default)
On exit intent: The widget will be displayed when we detect that the customer exhibits exit behavior.
more options coming soon
Page targeting
decides where on your store this widget will be shown.
Show on all pages (Default): widget will be displayed on all pages in your store
Show on homepage: widget will only display on the homepage
Selected pages only: widget will only display on the page selected